Fan Fiction
The stories posted on this site are works of fiction based on the television series The Magnificent Seven.
No infringement on the copyrights of CBS, MGM, The Trilogy Entertainment Group, The Mirisch Corp., or
other parties who may have legal rights is not intended. Original characters are conceived from the writer's
imagination, any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental and no harm is intended.
The stories are for entertainment purposes only; no monetary gain has been made.
If you like our stories please drop us a line. Click the icon by the name or go to the contact page on this site.
Click on authors name to go to their stories.

Lynyrd Skynryd
Songfic Series |
Maverick Men OW
Winner 2002 Mistresses of Malarkey Award for Best Gen
Crossover |
Vin Songfic: Simple Man
Maverick Men II: High Stakes OW
Buck Songfic: Gimme Three Steps
Seven Rode Forth OW poem
2005 Mistresses of Malarkey
Nominee for
Best Original Gen Poem
Nathan Songfic: Sweet Home Alabama
Heart of Gold OW |
JD Songfic: Mama
Chris Songfic: Gimme Back My Bullets
Ezra Songfic: Call Me The Breeze
Josiah Songfic: Freebird
Making the Team
2006 Mistresses of Malarkey
Nominee for
Best Kid Fic Gen
B-Ball and Star Wars
Southern Accents
Modern AU
ala Nasty Boys
2005 Mistresses of Malarkey
Nominee for
Best Gen Crossover
Pickoff Moves
Regents/AU  |
Desert Run
Modern AU ala Nasty Boy
2006 Mistresses of Malarkey
Nominee for
Best Gen Crossover

Duck Duck Goose ATF/AU by Brate and Heidi
Seven Toy Soldiers M7/AU by: Debra M. and Monica M.
Awarded a 2003 Golden
Ezzie for Other AU
Long Story
Fish Tales and Fathers M7/AU
by: Debra M. and Monica M.
Mother's Worst Fear M7/AU
by: Debra M. and Monica M
2006 Mistresses of Malarkey
Nominee for
Best Gen Non-ATF AU
What I'm Thankful
For M7/AU
by: Debra M. and Monica M
Tidings of Comfort and Joy
by: Debra M. and Monica M
Dates, Dares & Danger
by: Debra M. and Monica M |
Gone Wild
by: Debra M. and Monica M
and Brawling
by: Debra M. and Monica M
The Regents AU is a
2006 Mistresses of Malarkey
Nominee for
Best Gen Sequential Fics