Interesting Sites
The On-Line Books Page
- a library of E-books
Webopedia - learn
all you need to know about web terms and computer tech talk
Netlingo - a site
to learn what those Acronyms & Shorthand for the web mean
The Old West Shop -
a gift store for the western fan
The History Net -
great for research
- the only place to travel <g>
Texas Ranger Hall of Fame Museum
Puzzles - for those who like challenges
Worst Case Scenario
- how to survive almost anything
What's In Your Name?
- hidden meanings of names
Mensa IQ & Intelligence
- feel like testing how smart you are??
Candy Trivia -
all sorts of fun and interesting facts
Museum of Unnatural
History -
facts on the bizarre
- more than
just paper airplanes

Olden Times - Historic newspapers online

Hangaroo -
to my Aussie friends no
real Kanagroos are harmed in this game of
**Thanks to my pard for having a 'pic' addiction, a
scanner and the heart to share! |